For the implementation of the Law for Compensation to Jews from Arab Countries and for the Recognition of their Tragedy
A delegation of 52 members, on behalf of the Association of Jews from Egypt in Israel - headed by Levana Zamir - participated at the International Conference at the Knesset, as well as delegations from other Organizations of Jews from Arab Countries.
Levana Zamir, speaking at the Knesset.
Left: MK Nissim Zeev, Right: Fiorello Provera, Vice-Chairman of the European Parliament, and other European Parliamentarians.
Among the speakers: Reuven Rivlin, Speaker of the Knesset, Minister Benny Begin, Minister Shimon Shitrit, many MK, and European Parliamentarians: Fiorello Provera, Vice-Chairman for Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament, Kent Keneroth MP at the Swedish Parliament, and representatives of European Organizations - who came to support Israel in this subject - and Presidents of the "Jews from Arab Countries Organizations in Israel".
The importance of this Conference: This is a Historic Conference. Because, if the leaders of Jews from Arab Countries, used previously to go as a Delegation to the European Parliaments - under the roof of JJAC - to testify about our tragedy and ask for its recognition, this time the European Parliamentarians came to the Knesset in Jerusalem, to hear us and to check with us how they could help reaching our goals.
In April 2007, the American Congress recognized the rights of Jews from Arab Countries, and the fact that there are two groups of Refugees: the 650,000 Palestinians who fled from Israel in 1948, and the almost one million of Jews from Arab Countries who have been expelled or compelled to leave, leaving all their assets behind.
From the speakers' speeches:
MK Nissim Zeev who initiated the Conference: He stated that the U.S. and Europe must understand that in every negotiation there are two sides, and that the Jews from Arab Countries have rights. He declared too, that he will establish a Caucus in the Knesset to promote this issue.
Reuven Rivlin - Speaker of the Knesset: Peace cannot take place, without compensations to the Jews who were expelled or compelled to leave, after the foundation of the State of Israel. As Europe recognized the victims of the Holocaust, he added, it should recognize those who had to abandon the Arab Countries and their assets, because of pogroms and anti-Semitism in their home-countries.
Levana Zamir - President of the "Jews from Egypt Association in Israel": Since the Arab countries are not able to compensate the Jewish refugees, the International Fund proposed by President Clinton in July 2000 (Camp David 2) could be the solution for both - the Palestinian refugees problem and the Jews from Arab countries compensation. Clinton had already more than 20 milliard US dollars to begin creating the Fund, from Europe, Japan, the USA etc. But the Fund was not established.
To conclude, Levana Zamir presented two requests to MK Nissim Zeev: a) to promote the establishment of the International Fund, which will largely compensate the Palestinian Refugees - allowing them to leave the Refugee Camps and build a new life and home, instead of the right of return which is not an option - and to compensate the Jews from Arab countries for the lost of their life and assets in Arab countries. b) To consecrate a day per year in the educational system, where pupils and students will learn about the tragedy of Jews from Arab Countries.
Meir Kahlon - President of the Jews from Libya: Believes that establishing the International Fund could calm the situation and bring about peace. He asked the European Parliament's representatives to give their voice for that.
Zvi Gabbai - Representative of the Jews from Irak: Stated that we are the last generation who experienced the Jewish Refugees Tragedy, and it is about time for the world to recognize it.
MK Einat Wilf: Stated that UNRWA is giving the status of refugee to every baby born in the West Bank or Gaza, while this baby is not a refugee. In fact, there are now only 30,000 Palestinians refugees, of those who fled Israel in 1948, but five million of them receive billions of dollars each year from UNRWA, and their leaders are perpetuating their stay in the refugee camps. It is about time for the world to recognize there were two groups of refugees, and to compensate them both.
MK Nissim Zeev concluded, he will promote the issues raised at this Conference, which will be presented through the European Parlamentarians to the Quartet.