The Second Exodus recognition
Now that the American Congress approved Resolution 185, granting recognition to the 850,000 Jews from Arab Countries as Refugees, the JJAC target is to get the same recognition by the United Nations. Following the huge contribution of Jews to the Arab countries where they lived for millennia, this recognition is important, for the sake of the People of Israel History, and for the Mitzva 'ZAKHOR' (remembrance). |
At the British Parliament in London, in June 2008, for a Hearing Session. (R-L): Levana Zamir (for Israel), Maurice Maleh (AJE - UK), Sara Fedida (UK) and Michel Arwas. |
The Second Exodus recognition and narrative is one of the pillars for reconciliation and for the advancement of Peace."This is the true basis for reconciliation". said Stanley Urman, Executive Director of JJAC International (Justice for Jews from Arab Countries), based in New-York, USA.
In order to achieve its goals, JJAC organized Testimonial Hearings for Jews from Arab Countries, to Parliamentarians all over Europe. Those testimonies are not only about claims for what they left behind, but for recognition of their plight as refugees and to do Justice to the people of Israel. This is also the real basis for a “Soulha” (reconciliation) which would not be achieved without recognition of the suffering of others.
President Clinton initiative at Camp David 2, to establish an International Fund to compensate the two groups of Refugees - the Palestinians as well as the Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries - is one step further for Peace.
Levana Zamir, President of the International Association of Jews from Egypt, and delegate of JJAC in Israel, is attending the JJAC Conferences all over the world. Till now, they were held in New-York, Jerusalem, Geneva, London, Belgium, Rome, and soon in France.
Amongst those who testified at the Hearing at the Italian Parliament in Rome: Prof. Irwin Cotler, Canadian Deputy and a past-Minister at the Canadian Parliament, who emphasized that there is “a Double Nakba”, not only that of the Palestinians but also that of the 850,000 Jews who fled or were evicted from Arab Countries.
To know more about JJAC – Justice for Jews from Arab Countries, click here:
Binyamin Netanyahu reminded the whole world of the "hundreds thousands of Jewish refugees who left their homes and belongings in Arab countries. Bibi at his "Bar-Ilan Speech" – June 14th 2009 |